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The Real Ghost Stories

Green Eyes 

Then the sister got into bed and criedGreen Eyes 

Then the sister got into bed and cried

Abby (the woman's name) thought that she would be okay and fell back asleep after her sister got into bed

However in the morning, the sister was not in bed

Abby finally found her 20 minutes later in the bathroom next to her bedroom, pills in hand

She had killed herself by overdosing on medicine

The sister's name was Adeline

Then Abby showed me a picture of the girl and I started shaking

It was clearly the girl from my dream! I told Abby about the strange phenomena occurring in my house and Abby said that Adeline's restlessness was the reason they moved out in the first place

She asked my name and when I told her; Abby's eyes widened

Amanda was the name of Adeline's closest friend, who had visited her often

She told me that I looked like her

When I told her about the flower, she said that the Black-eyed Susan was Adeline's favorite flower. I'm not sure if I should be worried but for now it appears Adeline wants to talk to me

She seems to be benign but what should I do in the meantime? 

Abby (the woman's name) thought that she would be okay and fell back asleep after her sister got into bed

However in the morning, the sister was not in bed

Abby finally found her 20 minutes later in the bathroom next to her bedroom, pills in hand

She had killed herself by overdosing on medicine

The sister's name was Adeline

Then Abby showed me a picture of the girl and I started shaking

It was clearly the girl from my dream! I told Abby about the strange phenomena occurring in my house and Abby said that Adeline's restlessness was the reason they moved out in the first place

She asked my name and when I told her; Abby's eyes widened

Amanda was the name of Adeline's closest friend, who had visited her often

She told me that I looked like her

When I told her about the flower, she said that the Black-eyed Susan was Adeline's favorite flower. I'm not sure if I should be worried but for now it appears Adeline wants to talk to me

She seems to be benign but what should I do in the meantime? 
